Saint George's is located at 801 East Commerce Street in Milford, MI. We are 3 blocks East of Main Street (downtown Milford), on the North side of East Commerce, with plenty of parking.
A Greeter will meet you in our entryway. Let them know you are a visitor. They will point out where to put your coat, where the restrooms are located and provide you with a service bulletin. Most of the required worship texts are right in the bulletin.
Please sit where ever you feel comfortable. The Greeter will ask if you would like a member to sit near you to help follow our service. We hope you can stay for refreshments after worship.
Sunday service duration depends on the type of service (8:30, Rite I or 10:00, Rite II). The early service lasts about 45 minutes while the later service lasts about an hour or a little longer. Fellowship and education opportunities usally follow the later service.
We have no dress code. Suits, dresses, jeans, sweaters and tee-shirts - it's all fine. Please feel free to wear what makes you comfortable.
Children are always welcome at Saint George's! Our contemporary Rite II service is geared towards families.
The bulletin you receive is your guide to the service. Most of the texts are there; or you may be directed to find something in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or the Hymnal 1982 (H-82).
During a typical service we sing some hymns, listen to Bible readings, hear the priest give a sermon, pray for those in need, confess our sins, and participate in Holy Communion.
At different times people will stand, sit or kneel (as able). These positions are helpful but optional. If you have never been to an Episcopal Church service before, we invite you to sit back and observe our service, following along in the bulletin, and ask us your questions afterwards.
All baptized Christians, regardless of your denomination, are invited to take Communion. If you prefer, you may receive a blessing by the priest. Just cross your arms over your chest at the altar rail.
Saint Geoge's is handicap accessible. Please ask an Usher or Greeter to help you to your seat. We also have a 'spare' walker and wheelchair available. If you are unable to come to the altar, but would like to receive Communion, please let the usher know and the ministers will bring the Sacrament to you. We have an accessible restroom just off the Parish Hall.
You are invited to join us following the second worship service for coffee, refreshments and fellowship in our Parish Hall. This is a great opportunity for you to meet our members, speak with the priest and learn about our activities and outreach programs. Often an Adult Forum (a class or discussion) takes place once everyone has their plate of goodies; lasting until about 12:30.
There are many different opportunities to get involved at Saint George's. Whether your interest is in teaching or learning, singing in the choir, reading aloud in worship, helping with fellowship time, or getting involved in a community project, we welcome your time and talents! Check out our Connect page for more information.
Got a new ministry idea? Let us know the next time you're here or call the office at 248-684-0495.
Saint George's invites all people to participate in our congregational life. All are invited to receive Communion on Sundays, and to participate in a class, help with a project, sing in the choir, or request pastoral care. If you decide to become a member, our priest will meet with you to discuss the next steps. As in any organization, church membership includes both privileges and responsibilities.
It is possible for non-members to receive the Church's sacraments at Saint George's. Some connection is assumed (family? location?) and a conversation with the clergy will establish availability. Please call the church office at 248-684-0495 to make an appointment.
St. George's Episcopal Church
Sunday's @ 8:30 am and 10:15 am