TO Know Christ &

To Make Christ Known

Holy Week Schedule

April 13, Palm Sunday

8:30AM & 10:15AM Holy Eucharist with Passion Reading

April 17, Maundy Thursday

6:00PM Supper, Foot-washing & Communion in Parish Hall

April 18, Good Friday

12:00PM Community Ecumenical Service at Milford United Methodist

7:00PM Traditional Episcopal Service

April 20, Easter Sunday

8:30AM & 10:15AM Festive Easter Eucharist

Sunday Worship

Sunday Service: The Third Sunday in Lent

8:30 Morning Prayer, Rite I

10:15 Morning Prayer, Rite II

We upload the Sunday bulletins on Wednesday or Thursday. Click on the bulletins button for a PDF download of the bulletins

Bulletins Watch Online

Daily Office

Daily Office prayer services are available for streaming and recording from our Facebook page on the following days:

Morning Prayer

10AM - Monday through Thursday

Evening Prayer

4PM - Friday

7PM - Sunday

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Calendar and Events

Check out what is going on in the parish and when its happening with our weekly eBlast

The sermon blog link provides the ability to read the sermons that have been given each Sunday

eBlast Download Sermon Blog

Welcome Video

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